Understanding astrology the planets, their natures and types.
To build an astrological birthchart correctly an understanding of astrology and all that it offers is required. It is necessaryA deep knowledge of all that is involved and how each planet works to build the character of the subject.
The luminaries and planets are known to astronomers under the following names and symbols:—
The Sun ☉, Moon ☽, Neptune ♆, Uranus ♅, Saturn ♄, Jupiter ♃, Mars ♂, Venus ♀, and Mercury ☿.
- Neptune revolves around the Sun in its distant orbit once in about 165 years.
- Uranus completes its orbital revolution in 84 years
- Jupiter in 12 years
- Mars in about 15 months
- Venus in 11 months
- Mercury in 18 weeks.
If you imagine these bodies to be revolving in a plane around the Sun and yourself to be standing within the Sun, the motions of these bodies will appear almost uniform and always in one direction.
Were the orbits of the planets circular and the Sun holding the centre of the circle, their motions would be constant, that is to say, always in the same direction and at the same rate. But the orbits are elliptical, and the Sun holds a position in one of the foci of each ellipse. Consequently the planets are at times further from the Sun than at others, and they are then said to be in their aphelion, the opposite point of the orbit where they are nearest to the Sun being called the perihelion.
Aphelion or Perihelion
When at aphelion the planets move slower, and when at perihelion they move quicker than at the mean distance. Astronomers employ an imaginary circular orbit for the planets, in which they move at an uniform rate of velocity, which is called the mean motion. This is subject to an equation depending on the position of the planet in its orbit, and it determines the difference between the imaginary planet and the true planet. The equation itself depends on the eccentricity of the orbit, that is to say, its relation to a circle drawn around the same focal centre. The Earth follows the same laws as all other bodies of the same system.
Understanding the presence of Earth
But if we imagine the Earth to be stationary in space and the centre around which the planets revolve, their motions present several irregularities. Mercury and Venus will then appear to revolve around the Sun while the Sun revolves around the Earth, sometimes being between the Earth and the Sun, which is called an Inferior conjunction, sometimes on the further side of the Sun away from the Earth, as at their Superior conjunction; and again, at other times to the right or left of the Sun, in East or West elongation.
Reading an astrological chart
The other planets, having orbits greater than that of the Earth, will appear to revolve around it at constantly varying distances and velocities. At certain points in their orbits they will appear to remain stationary in the same part of the Zodiac.
The annexed illustration will assist the learner in this field more. For more information visit us here
The body M is Mercury when at Inferior conjunction with the Sun, as seen from the Earth.
The letter V is the planet Venus at Superior conjunction with the Sun.
The points W and E are the points of greatest elongation West and East, and
The letter S shows the points in the orbit at which those bodies appear to be stationary when viewed from the Earth, at G.
As seen from the Earth, Venus would appear to be direct and Mercury retrograde.

Astrologically we regard the Earth as the passive subject of planetary influence, and we have therefore to regard it as the centre of the field of activity.
Horoscope from Mars
If we were making a horoscope for an inhabitant of the planet Mars, we should make Mars the centre of the system. The planets’ positions are therefore taken as from the centre of the Earth (Geocentric), and not as from the centre of the Sun (Heliocentric).
An astrological Ephemeris of the planets’ motions is employed for this purpose and there are 480,000 of these sold to astrologers or students of astrology every year, from which fact it is possible to draw one’s own conclusions as to the state of Astrology in the West.
These figures, of course, do not include the millions of almanac readers nor the Oriental students, who prepare their own ephemerides.
Knowing the simple natures of the several planets we are able to arrive at an estimate of their effects when acting in combination and use these to present a reading.
What are the Planets role in an astrological birthchart?
acts upon the mind of man to produce a highly-strung nervous temperament, often allied to either insanity or genius; neurosis, aphasia, &c. It produces complications in business and an involved state of affairs generally. Disposes to fraud, double-dealing, and irresponsible actions. In the body it produces waste of tissue and a consumptive habit.
gives an eccentric mind, waywardness, originality, inventiveness. Acting on the affairs of business, it produces sudden and unexpected developments, irregularities, rapid rise and fall, instability, unexpected turns of good and bad fortune. In the body it has relation to the nervous system, and its diseases are those of paralysis, lesion, and nervous derangement.
produces a thoughtful, sober, ponderable mind; steadfastness, patience, and endurance; disposition to routine and habit, method. In financial affairs it gives steady results commensurate with labour, success that is slow but sure, durance, hardships, privations. In the body it is related to the osseous system, and its effects are brought about by obstructions, chills, and inhibition of function.
gives joviality, optimism, bountifulness, generosity, a rich and fruitful mind. It renders the subject fortunate in his affairs, giving success and frequently opulence. With this planet strong in the horoscope a person never “goes under.” In the body it has relation to the arterial process, and its diseases are those which arise from surfeit, congestion, and plethora.
confers a sense of freedom, much ambition and executive ability, frankness, truthfulness, and scorn of consequence. It renders the mind forceful and militant, stimulates to new projects and enterprises, and in the body of man has relation to the muscular system. Its diseases are those which arise from inflammatory action in the tissues.
confers poesy, good taste, fine feeling, artistic powers, gentleness, docility, dalliance, and love of pleasure. It renders the affairs pleasant and prosperous, giving profit from both artistic and rustic pursuits. Next to Jupiter it is the most benefic of the planets in its action on mankind. In the body it has relation to the venous system, and its diseases are those which arise from impurities of the blood, scorbutic and zymotic diseases, eczema, smallpox, measles, &c.
renders its subjects active, versatile, apt and business-like, disposed to much commerce, whether of the mind or the market, and eager in the pursuit of knowledge; alert, and well-informed. Its influence on affairs of life is variable, for it always translates the nature of that planet to which at birth it is in nearest aspect. In the body it is related to the sensorium, the centres of sensation, and reflexly controls the nerves of action.
The Moon
gives gracefulness of manner and suavity of speech, softness and adaptability of nature, variableness, love of change, romance, and adventure; disposed to exploration and voyaging. In the body it corresponds to the glandular system, and its diseases are those incidental to the lymphatic glands and vascular tissue.
The Sun
renders its subjects magnanimous, noble, proud, despising all mean and sordid actions; loyal, truthful, and fearless. It produces honours and the favour of dignitaries, and renders the subject fortunate in the control of his affairs. In the body it controls the vital principle.
The types of characters created by the various planets are very distinct, and to build an astrological birthchart an understanding of these chief features of each being in essential. They are as follows:—
Thin, nervous-looking people, blue eyes, soft, silky hair, thin and usually long faces, frequently wearing a strained or startled look.
Tall, wiry, and energetic figures, alert, muscular, spasmodic, and with some touch of eccentricity.
Dark and lean people, small, deep-set eyes, heavy brows, long noses, thin lips, and sallow complexions.
Full bodied, robust men, large and expressive blue or brown eyes, arched brows, high foreheads, oval faces, and rich brown hair.
Strong, muscular, and athletic bodies, ruddy complexion, grey eyes, prominent brows, sloping forehead, and usually some mark or scar in the face.
Fresh, clear complexion, blue or grey eyes, round head, broad shoulders, strong jaws, upright and dignified carriage.
Elegant, well-groomed, and often dainty-looking people, with blue or soft brown eyes, brown hair, fine teeth and finger-nails, small feet and short fleshy hands.
Thin, tall, and active bodies, alert appearance, small and usually dark eyes; wide, thin lips, long arms and slender hands. Frequently great talkers and quick walkers.
Rather short and fleshy people, with pale face, soft limpid eyes, sad brown or medium coloured hair, fine teeth, broad chest, and a tendency to a squat fulness of body. The forehead is usually high and broad.
To read accurately an astrological birthchart, you look at the people that surround your world. Can you identify them if possible under one or other of these types?
Consider what has been said of the planets’ natures, and you have a ready key to something of their character and destiny and the influence that will have on your life and the decisions you make.
Understanding all that is Astrology is fascinating and complex but very good to use as a structure to understand YOU and that that surrounds you.
Find out more about your natal chart and what is involved in your past and your future predictions here.