Houses of the Zodiac

Creating today’s astrology is so much more than just writing a piece for a magazine! For centuries Astrology has been used to create the paths of kings and queens and decide the future of countries upon what lies in the sky’s promises.
We have become so much more aware of the power the structure of the zodiac offers and how we can use it to guide us with decisions and personal choices. The internet has allowed us a greater access to the wealth of knowledge this great art has to offer and we are engulfing this knowledge gladly.
When creating a complete natal chart, it is essential to use the ephemeris for the year of your birth. The ephemeris is a table that shows the tropical longitude of the celestial bodies in our solar system, including the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Moon’s North Node.
Preparing the Astrological Natal Chart
We look at the planet positions with integrate detail and include information on sign ingresses or the times when planets or other celestial bodies change signs; planetary stations, which are times when planets appear to be stationary in the sky; lunar ingresses, which are times when the Moon enters a new astrological sign; void moons, which are periods when the Moon is not aspecting any other celestial bodies; and lunar phases and eclipses. All of this information is crucial for creating an accurate and detailed natal chart.
Houses of Astrology
When creating a full natal chart to define your past, present and future, the houses represent different areas of life and are calculated based on the time, date, and place of birth. There are a total of 12 houses in astrology, each corresponding to a different aspect of an individual’s life.
The Planets in the houses
It is not possible to categorise the effects that occur due to the positions of the planets in the houses, as it depends on the signs in which they are in and the aspects from the additional planets that occupy the house at the time.
The means used to judge the effects of a planets positioning is quite easy once the nature of the planet has been determined. So firstly, it is discovered as to which house the planet is residing and then consider the nature of the planet.
Neptune means chaos, confusion & deception
Uranus shows eccentricity, originality and estrangement
Saturn represents privation, hindrance and denial
Jupiter shows affluence, fruitfulness and an increase
Sun is dignities and honours
Mars represents excess, impulses and quarrels
Venus Peace, happness and agreement
Mercury reletave to commerce, versatility and adaptability
Moon shows changes and publicity
Pluto associated with power, intensity, and transformation.
We then look at those topics that are governed by the House in which these planets reside at the moment of birth.
An example would be: Saturn sitting in the 11th House would represent “Privation” and the 11th House is the domain of “Friends” so this could indicate that with the presence of Saturn being the wellbeing is lacking and the insufficent the presence of evil or unfortunate will occur to the subject.
Mars in the 7th indicates “quarrels” with “partners” another example of how you would read the position in the House. Understanding the planets nature and governed by the affairs of the House at the moment of birth.
It is often that there will be more than one Planet sitting in the House, so one could be good (Jupiter) and one evel (Mars), so the prodominate nature will be that closest to Midheaven and move outward to read the presence.
Changing the reading above with the positioning of Jupiter would be that there to be misfortune by means of an advisor or friend to be then followed later in life by some great good through the same source. Yes, very indepth and you can see the need to have a qualified Astrologist read your indepth natal chart and not rely on friends and family that have taken up the hobby!
First House of Zodiac
The first known as the Ascendant or Rising Sign, represents the self, the body, and one’s physical appearance. It is calculated based on the exact time of birth and represents the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The sign on the cusp of this house is called the Ascendant, and it has a major influence on an individual’s personality and the way they present themselves to the world.
In summary, the first house represents the self and how an individual presents themselves to the world, as well as their physical appearance and mannerisms. It is associated with the sign Aries, the element of fire, and the planet Mars dominating the area of excess, impulses and quarrels. It is an important house in astrology and is used to analyze an individual’s personality, self-expression, and behavior.
Second House of Zodiac
House of Taurus, represents personal finances, material possessions, and values. It represents the way an individual handles money and their attitude towards wealth and material possessions.
Expanding on this the second house of the zodiac is the house of values, possessions, and material wealth. It is symbolized by the sign Taurus the element of earth and is associated with the material world and the accumulation of material possessions.
The second house represents an individual’s sense of self-worth, their values and beliefs, and their attitude towards money and material possessions. It is also associated with the way in which an individual earns and spends money, and their financial security.
The second house is ruled by the planet Venus, which is associated with love, beauty, and material wealth. In astrology, the second house and its planetary ruler, Venus, are often used to analyze an individual’s values, financial security, and material possessions.
Third House of Zodiac
The third known as the House of Gemini – element of Air, represents communication, short journeys, and the mind. It represents an individual’s ability to communicate and exchange ideas, as well as their relationships with siblings and neighbours.
It is the house of communication, learning, and education. It’s symbol is the sign Gemini and is associated prodominately by the exchange of information and ideas. It is represented as an individual’s siblings, neighbors, and early environment, as well as their ability to communicate and learn.
To expand on the nature of this house, it is also associated with short trips and transportation. As the third house is ruled by the planet Mercury, (which is associated with communication, learning, and adaptability).
When reading the positioning of the planets in the house consideration is given to the third house and its planetary ruler, Mercury. They are often used to analyze an individual’s ability to communicate, learn, and adapt to their environment.
In short, the third house represents an individual’s ability to communicate, learn, and adapt to their environment. It is associated with the sign Gemini, the planet Mercury, and the exchange of information and ideas. It is used in astrology and especially in the natal chart to analyze an individual’s communication skills, learning abilities, and adaptability.
Reading today’s astrology of the Fourth House of Zodiac
The fourth house, also known as the House of Cancer – element water – represents the home, family, and emotional security. It represents an individual’s sense of belonging and their relationships with their family, as well as their emotional foundations and the way they handle their emotions.
This house, as mentioned above represents as the house of home, family, and emotional foundations. It is symbolized by the sign Cancer and is associated with the early home and family environment, as well as an individual’s emotional foundations.
The strength and recognition of the fourth house is for an individual’s roots and ancestry, as well as their emotional security and well-being. It can also be associated with the end of a matter or the outcome of a situation. The fourth house is ruled by the Moon, which is associated to changes with emotions, instincts, and maternal energy.
In a natal chart reading, the positioning in the fourth house and its planetary ruler, the Moon, are often used to analyze an individual’s emotional foundations and the role of the home and family in their life.
So being recognized as the nature for an individual’s emotional foundations, roots, and the role of the home and family in their life, and associated with Cancer, the Moon, and the early home and family environment. It is used to analyze an individual’s emotional security and well-being, and the influence of the home and family on their life, and of course the planets positioned in the house.
Understanding the roles of the Fifth House of Zodiac
The House of Leo, acts as the creativity, self-expression, and children in a subject. It represents an individual’s ability to create and express themselves, as well as their relationships with children and their approach to romance and love.
With the fifth house of the zodiac it has the role of creativity, self-expression, and children. It is symbolized by the sign Leo, a fire element, and is associated with this creativity, self-expression, and personal enjoyment. Accentuating an individual’s hobbies, leisure activities, and romantic relationships, It could also be their children as its associated with fertility and the potential for new beginnings.
The fifth house is ruled by the Sun, which is associated with vitality, creativity, and self-expression for diginities and honours. In astrology, the fifth house and its planetary ruler, the Sun, are often used to analyze an individual’s creativity, self-expression, and personal enjoyment and achievements.
Sixth House of Zodiac
Known as the House of Virgo, the element of earch, represents health, work, and daily routines. It represents an individual’s approach to work and their daily habits, as well as their physical health and well-being.
The sixth house of the zodiac is the house of health, routine, and work. It is symbolized by the sign Virgo and is associated with health, routine, and daily work. The sixth house represents an individual’s daily routine, their health and wellness, and their work environment. It is also associated with service to others and the idea of self-improvement. The sixth house is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is associated with adaptibility in communication, learning, and versatility. In astrology, the sixth house and its planetary ruler, Mercury, are seen in a natal chart to analyze an individual’s daily routine, work environment, and approach to health and wellness.
Summarising the reading of the sixth house is its representation of an individual’s daily routine, work environment, and approach to health and wellness. It is associated with the sign Virgo, the planet Mercury, and daily work and routine. This house would be read with the planets positioned within to analyze an individual’s daily routine, work environment, and approach to health and wellness.
The outcomes of the Seventh House in today’s astrology
House of Libra, represents relationships, partnerships, and balance. It creates the picture of an individual’s with others, including romantic and business partnerships, and their ability to maintain balance and harmony in their relationships.
As the seventh house of the zodiac, it is the house of partnerships and relationships and being symbolized by the air sign Libra so is seen to be associated with partnerships, relationships, and the balance of give and take. The seventh house represents an individual’s one-to-one relationships, including their romantic and business partnerships. The negative shows signs of open enemies and the way in which an individual relates to others. The seventh house is ruled by the planet Venus, which is associated with love, beauty, peace, happiness and material wealth.
So to read the positioning and outcomes related to the seventh house are its representatives of an individual’s one-to-one relationships, including their romantic and business partnerships. It is associated with the air sign Libra, the planet Venus, and the balance of give and take in relationships. It is used in astrology to analyze an individual’s relationships and partnerships.
Analysing the Eighth House of Zodiac
The House of Scorpio, represents transformation, rebirth, and the occult. It represents an individual’s approach to death, rebirth, and transformation, as well as their ability to delve into the unknown and uncover hidden knowledge. Scorpio is the element of water.
The eighth house symbolized by the sign Scorpio is associated with an individual’s experience with death, rebirth, and the transformation of the self, including the occult, other people’s resources, and sexual intimacy. The eighth house is ruled by the planet Pluto, which is associated with power, intensity, and transformation.
So in astrology, the eighth house and its planetary ruler, Pluto, are often used to analyze an individual’s experience with transformation, death, and rebirth and the deeper, unconscious aspects of their psyche.
The recognition of a subjects sexual intimacy and the individual’s experiences with transformation and the deeper, unconscious aspects of their psyche a strong picture is created, but a deep conversation is held to project what can be seen here.
Ninth House of today’s astrology readings
House of Sagittarius, representing higher education, travel, and spirituality. Taking stock of an individual’s pursuit of knowledge, their philosophical beliefs, and their approach to travel and the opportunities of exploring new cultures and ideas.
The ninth house of the zodiac is the house of higher learning, education, and spirituality. It is symbolized by the sign Sagittarius has the element of fire.
The ninth house is strongly reflected in the answers to an individual’s search for meaning and understanding, their beliefs and worldview, their ability to expand their horizons through education and travel.
When reading, it is also associated with long distance travel, publishing, and the legal system. Being ruled planet Jupiter, it gives association to expansion, abundance, and good fortune. Analyzing an individual’s search for meaning and understanding, their beliefs and worldview, and their ability to expand their horizons through education and travel will be important findings in this house.
Summing up the ninth house as the representative of an individual’s search for meaning and understanding, their beliefs and worldview, and their ability to expand their horizons through education and travel. It’s association with the fire sign Sagittarius, the planet Jupiter, and higher learning, education, and spirituality will reflect much of a subjects questions of life. With it used in today’s astrology to analyze an individual’s search for meaning and understanding, their beliefs and worldview, and their ability to expand their horizons through education and travel.
Tenth House of Zodiac
In today’s astrology this house is known as the House of Capricorn, it represents career, status, and public reputation. Seeking to find individual’s professional goals and ambitions, as well as their reputation and standing in the public eye will be found here.
The tenth house of the zodiac is the house of career, public reputation, and social status. It is represented by the sign Capricorn the earth element and is associated with career, public reputation, and social status. The understanding of an individual’s career and professional life, their public reputation, and their social standing will be sort here. It also associates with a person’s sense of responsibility and their reputation in the eyes of society, so much to be said on the career of the subject here. The tenth house is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is associated with discipline, responsibility, and structure, but also hindrance and denial. This house and the planets positioned within will analyze an individual’s career, public reputation, and social status.
Reading today’s astrology and the findings within the Eleventh House
House of Aquarius, the eleventh house, represents friendships, social connections, and humanitarianism. It represents an individual’s relationships with their friends and their involvement in social causes and groups, so pretty much, their socialisation.
It is the house of friendship, community, and collective goals with its ruling by the sign of Aquarius shows their involvement in groups and organizations, and their involvement in the community. It is also associated with humanitarianism, social justice, and the collective good. The eleventh house is ruled by the planet Uranus, which is associated with eccentricity, originality often being innovation, rebellion, and change. In today’s astrology the house is used to analyze an individual’s relationships with others and their involvement in the community.
In summing up the eleventh house and its Aquarius sign the element of air, it projects an individual’s friendships, their involvement in groups and organizations, and their involvement in the community. It is associated with the planet Uranus, estrangement, being the subjects friendship, community involvement, and collective goals. The projection of a persons social being and community spirit will be reflected in this house.
Twelfth House of Zodiac
The House of Pisces, represents the unconscious, spirituality, and solitude. It represents an individual’s unconscious mind, their spiritual beliefs and practices, and their need for solitude and introspection.
To calculate today’s astrology the positions of the houses in an individual’s astrological chart, the exact time, date, and place of birth really should be known as the positions of the planets positioned in the houses changes the reading.
This information is used to determine the location of the Ascendant, which is the starting point for all of the other houses. The positions of the other houses are then calculated based on the Ascendant and the rotation of the Earth. As astrologers we use a variety of tools and techniques to calculate the positions of the houses, and the ascendants to read the outcomes.
In today’s astrology, the twelfth house represents an individual’s unconscious mind, their self-destructive tendencies, and their hidden weaknesses. It is associated with the water sign Pisces, the planet Neptune, and the unconscious, self-undoing, and deception, being hidden enemies. It is used in astrology to analyze an individual’s unconscious mind and their self-destructive tendencies.