Personal development is extremely crucial to business and especially Internet marketing. If you want to build your business, believe in your business, believe in yourself!
Mindset and Management

Do you feel overwhelmed currently?
Are you staring at a long list of tasks and new terminology, Wondering about SEO and what is social bookmarking?
Is voice in your head trying to tell you something? As you stare at the screen, and wonder about the opportunities? This all sounds amazing, BUT how true could it be?
Well, you’re right to question everything as this isn’t the normal way people have made money in the past! This is your way, and it’s going to be fantastic!
Every journey, has a beginning. Your first requirement for your new idea is to firstly, work on you. Before you organise to:
- buy hosting,
- Build your web page,
- create the strategy to build your list,
Firstly, You need to know how to get your head in the game and how to keep it there. You’re taking a leap of faith into a vast, new territory that changes as quick as you learn the concepts. You are a very small player in a quickly shifting sea, so in order to ensure you stand out, you firstly need confidence and to build confidence you will need to work on your personal development.
How do I work on my confidence?
You need to apply the Secret.
The Secret is just this: as we spoke about in our last blog post, everything begins with a thought.
Thoughts lead to actions, which leads to the results of those actions made manifest in your life.
The Orville brothers had a thought about a flying machine. They took the action of sitting down to design their machine and then going out to test it. They manifested the ability for you to go to an airport and be anywhere in the whole world in a matter of hours.
And you thought you were sailing uncharted waters!
Thoughts like,
“I can’t do this,”
“this won’t work,”
“well, I’ll give it a shot, but if it doesn’t work out I guess I’ve got my day job to fall back on,”
lead only to two kinds of actions. Inaction or inefficient action.
Either you talk yourself out of starting, or you spin your wheels reading email after email and surfing website after website without ever really getting your feet wet.
As a result, your life fails to manifest a working internet business that gives you the freedom you really want.
Compare this to positive, super charged thoughts like:
“Nothing’s going to stop me. I have every tool I need. Other people have done this and so can I. I’m totally committed. I won’t hold back. I have a plan.”
Positive thoughts lead to you taking positive action.
You create that product.
You build that list.
You stop fretting over the technicalities and the “can’t do” and get creative about the “can do.”
You start outsourcing anything you can’t deal with on your own.
You keep learning.
You polish up your management skills and you keep your mind in the right place—and little by little, your small efforts turn into something much bigger:
The manifestation of a new life.
So how do you go about developing this kind of thought process, where you think you are the center of the universe and everything just exists in your frame of reference?
Developing positive thoughts
Pivoting Your Thought Process
To begin creating the subjective thought process that the Law of Attraction demands of you, it is very important that you create the right frame of reference – your conciousness.
You are to begin to see everything in a dream.
Your perceived reality is actually the things that are happening in your frame of reference, which is just another name for your consciousness. However, you will need to define your new reality and create the thoughts to anchor it to your everyday thoughts and actions.
Pivoting your thought process
This aspect – anchoring your conscious mind – is known as pivoting your thought process.
When you begin pivoting your thought process, the primary requirement is to have a fixed point from where you can begin. Usually, this fixed point is your resolve, your intention, your motive, your purpose.
A great example of your new day, say if you wanted to start a business – your resolution to do that is your pivot, would be to think only positive ways to build the business . The stronger you resolve to achieve that, the more profound your pivot will be. That is why people who have stronger resolutions are able to achieve better things than people who don’t have a very strong mindset to achieve something.
Making your desire, your pivot and then look at everything from that perspective, you will see plans begin to fall into place.
You will feel that everything happening is happening to bring you closer to your sub conscious minds desire.
This will of course include both the positives and the negatives. Amazing you meet someone that will be connected with your new business, which is still in the thought processes but you have no apprehension that this is a positive for your future business. You also feel that you quitting from your desk job through frustration, was something that will take you closer to having your own business.
People who live life in a positive status and often are those that truly believe in the Law of Attraction continually create such pivots in their mind. Their entire life is focused on a positive pivot of some sort. This drives them and motivates them acheiving their goals.